Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Fun: Collectively and Individually 

In the BSU Honors college, you can have as much fun as you study.
More study=More fun
This means you are going to have long nights of studying and reading

However for every night you study or do a project, the more nights you have for many of the activities hosted at Driscoll, such as Nerf gun wars and yesterday pumpkin carving!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Driscoll Hall and Communicating within it

As mentioned on a previous post, the Honors College is house in Driscoll Hall

Which is one of the older buildings on campus but is kept together very well and has a very nice central lobby and nice dorms

Many people within the hall talk to each other in the lobby or usually text to hang out in a very blunt manner. The honors apparently do not like texting or writing in any form as they do use social medias like facebook, they hardly use them.
Talk to people, we prefer it.

Goals of BSU Honors College

While many people believe that the entire goal of the Honors college is to get good grades, which may mean hitting the books like these,

It is not.
Yes, students of the Honors college want good grades but we also want to learn what we are studying. Many of the students in the college are learning not for a career but rather to learn which is why people tutor other people in Driscoll dorms such as this one.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hello! Welcome to the Blog about the Honors college here at the lovely Boise State University!

The Honors College office here is stationed at Driscoll hall, The home of many of the incoming honors freshman.